Invoice discounting and factoring. Why choose CPCM?


There are many providers and many options available for those seeking invoice financing options, but how do you know which is the best for you?

As an experienced credit manager with extensive experience of factoring and invoice discounting, I am able to assess your requirements from the inside. Many brokers and advisors will be from the banking sector, but do they really know what it is like to manage a cashflow and debtors ledger?

There is no substitute for having been there at the coal face and believe me, I have been there

So what do I look for when reviewing your requirements?

Firstly I believe that service is key and you need a provider who will understand your business. You will also need an account manager/team that you will trust and like. Matching people with people is a key element

It is also important to differentiate between a requirement for invoice discounting or factoring (or the miriad hybrid options). Personally I am a great believer that credit control is always best managed “in house”, but sometimes the factoring arrangement can be suitable

Long term support is a key element too. The financier should be willing to support you through good and difficult times.

Invoice discounting is more cost effective and you will need a credit control procedure in place. As well as finding the right lender, this is an area where i can give stromg support

And I like to be involved. I am not just going to pass on a phone number. Maybe because of my background or just my nature, I like to meet and get to understand your business.

So feel free to run anything past me. I look forward to hearing from you

Clive Pacey

tel 07956 138895

18 Fulwood Gardens



  1. March 4, 2014 at 1:44 pm

    Clive, in your dealings you must have to advise clients that Personal Guarantees are required to access funding. What you weren’t able to say in the past was that they could insure the PG. Well they now can. Not only new PG’s but also all existing ones as well.

    You can also earn fees for helping spread this message and introducing your own clients

    You can read all about and get an instant quote or policy at

  2. January 22, 2015 at 12:00 am

    Confidential Invoice Discounting can be a delightful remedy for any corporate hostile to cash flow problems. Invoice discounting will issue, functioning capital in the form of the cash that is studded in voluntary bills within your defaulter ledger and this will increase the cash flow finance of your corporation.

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